
Fob Cloning

Fob cloning service - $250

Cloning is the process of reading data from your existing fob and making a duplicate of that fob. Cloning is cheap insurance if you lose your only fob, you'll have a duplicate (hopefully) stored in a safe place. The downside of cloning is the immobilizer sees the same fob twice. Should you use one fob and advance the rolling code, you will need to press the button on the clone that many times (or more) before the car recognizes it. A clone is an inexpensive backup, but not the best solution.

Cloning is also helpful where you have a fob that is failing for some reason (such as going through the washing machine or a swim in the ocean). Your data can likely be salvaged onto a new fob which becomes identical to the failed fob (so no rolling code issue).

All clones are factory correct OEM Bosch fobs.

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